文史臺灣學報 Taiwan Studies in Literature and History |
201306 (6期)期所有篇 |
- 台灣報導文學與社會運動框架之互動關係研究──以台灣原住民還我土地運動為例 The Interaction between Reportage and The Social Movement Frames in Taiwan Aboriginal Movements for Example
- 台灣報導文學的虛構敘事規約 The Fiction Narrative Conventions of Taiwanese Reportage
- 論《南方移民村》作為報導文學文本的可能 A Discussion of the possibility of 'NanPou IMinSon' as a Reportage Text
- 戰後初期台灣的國際新聞傳播與管制--以澀谷事件之報導為中心 The Report and Restraint of Overseas News in Taiwan during early postwar perio:A Case Study in the Report of Shibuya Incident
- 歷史的寄存:施叔青《三世人》中的身/物 Historical Archive:The Study on Body and Material in Shi Shu-ching's Three generations of people
- 日治時期臺灣海務協會成立原因及功能之研究 A Study on the rationale and functionalities of the Taiwan Maritime Affairs Association established during the Japanese colonial period