文史臺灣學報 Taiwan Studies in Literature and History |
200911 (1期)期所有篇 |
- 十八世紀初葉的台灣平埔族歌謠——以黃叔璥〈番俗六考〉著錄為例 "Taiwan Pingpu Tribe Ballads of the Early Eighteenth Century-Taking Huang, Shu-Ching's 'Fan-su-liou-kao (Exploring to Six Aboriginal Customs)' as An Example"
- 陳達的歌,在音樂和文學上的意義和價值 Chen Da's Songs as well as The Meanings and Values of His Songs on Music and Literature
- 台語歌曲中的職業與社會寫實主題試探──兼論「主流」與否的界定問題 Social Realism and the Portraits of Occupations in Taiwanese Pop Music--A Critique to the Categorization of 'Mainstream' and 'Non-Mainstream'
- 「賣花姑娘」叨位來?叨位去?──談五、六○年代台語歌詩中的「賣花姑娘」 Where Do 'Flower Girls' Come From? Where Do They Go? -- A Critique of 'Flower Girls' in the Ho-Lo Taiwanese Poetic Lyrics' Songs in the 1950's and 1960's
- 兩蔣威權統治時期「愛國歌曲」內容析論 A Preliminary Study of the Content of 'Patriotic Songs' during the Era of The Two Chiangs' Dictatorial Rule
- 文學與歷史:分析《行過洛津》中的消逝主題 Literature and History: An Analysis of Passages to Juo-Jin and The Theme of Effacement
- 日治時期臺灣「女車掌」文學與文化書寫 Female Bus Attendant of the Literature And Culture Research in Taiwan During the Japanese Ruling
- 1930年代台灣人的國族認同──以台中「東亞共榮協會」之發展為中心 The National Identity of Taiwanese during the 1930s---- The development of the Common Prosperity Association of East Asia in Taichung
- 國府統治時期對海外留學生的監控:以美國為例 Surveillance on Overseas Taiwanese Students under the KMT's Administration: A Case Study in the United States
- 清法戰爭時期歐洲人眼中的北台灣──以《北台封鎖記》與《孤拔元帥的小水手》為例 "During the Franco-Chinese War, the European's viewpoints of North Taiwan--The cases of Journal of a blockaded resident in North Formosa and General Courbet's sailor"
- 《臺灣開元寺誌略稿‧歷代住職》待補錄的世代缺空 "The pending information on the some of the ancestor masters in the draft---'An Overview to the Abbots in History of Ka Yuan Monastery, Taiwan'"