台灣教育研究期刊 Journal of Taiwan Education Studies |
202206 (3:3期)期所有篇 |
- 設立高等教育部之價值及其問題分析 Analysis on the Value and Problems of Establishing the Ministry of Higher Education
- 多元與卓越:一位百年小學校長學校願景形塑的實踐經驗 Diversity and Excellence: A Century-Old Primary School Principal’s Practical Experience in Shaping the School’s Vision
- 我國小學跨學科/領域STEAM課程的「資訊科技」與「藝術」案例分析 Case Analysis on 'Information Technology' and 'Arts' of Interdisciplinary STEAM Curriculum for Elementary Schools in Taiwan
- 高一歷史及生物課文友善性探究:師生觀點 A Study on the Friendliness of High School History and Biology Textbooks: Views from Teachers and Students
- 發展性教學視導在教學輔導教師制度上的應用 The Applications of Developmental Instruction Supervision to Mentor Teacher Program
- 實施公開授課提升教師專業初探:現況;挑戰與因應策略 A Case Study on Using Open Class to Promote Teacher's Professional Development: Current situation, Challenges and Coping strategies
- 有效促進幼兒STEM學習之教學策略 Effective Teaching Strategies that Promote Young Children’s Learning of STEM
- 國民基本教育課程原住民族語文師資培育之挑戰與策略 Challenges and Strategies for the Cultivation of Indigenous Language Teachers under the National Basic Education Curriculum Guidelines
- 運用PBL於輔導活動教材教法課程之教學實踐與成效評估研究 A Research on Prospective Teacher's Teaching Method Curriculum of Guidance Activity in Integrative Activity Learning Field by Applying Problem-Based Learning
- 美國社會科問題本位課程中的問題觀與統整觀 The View of Problem and Integration in the Problem-Based Curriculum of the Social Studies in America
- 歐洲多元文化社會與促進尊重教育之研究 A Study on Europe Multicultural Society and Education to Foster Respect
- 疫情下的高等教育財政衝擊與因應 The Fiscal Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Higher Education and its Response
- 藝術教育治療做為視覺藝術教學取向 Art Education Therapy as an Approach of Visual Art Education
- 大學實施遠距教學的常態問題之探討與建議 Discussions and Suggestions on the Common Problems of Distance Learning in Universities