台灣教育研究期刊 Journal of Taiwan Education Studies |
202103 (2:2期)期所有篇 |
- 校本?本校?錯置的學校本位課程發展 School-Based?Based on a School?Misplaced School-Based Curriculum Development
- 技職學術化:一個技職教育史哲課程的發想與行動實踐 TVE Academicalization: The Development and Practices of Curriculum of History and Philosophy of TVE
- 技術型高級中等學校跨域課程之理念與實踐 The Rationale and Practice of Cross-Curricular Courses for Vocational Senior High Schools
- 發展文化回應取向之移民女性職業訓練課程:以中餐烹調為例 Developing Culturally Responsive Chinese Cuisine Training Program for Immigrant Women
- 技術型高中資訊科技融入教學之實踐 The Implementation of Integration of Information Communication Technology in teaching at Vocational Senior High Schools
- 探討數學素養導向試題設計:以四技二專統一入學測驗為例 Discussion on the Design of Mathematics Literacy Oriented Test Questions in Technological and Vocational Education Joint College Entrance Examinations
- 從訊息處理理論的觀點探討遠距教學的課程設計 Investigation of Course Design in Distance Education based on Information Processing Theory
- 中等技職教師實施學生生涯輔導之策略與方法 The Research on the Strategies and Methods for Secondary Technological and Vocational Teachers Used to Implement Student Career Guidance
- 高中108課綱課程評鑑之我思:作為探究實踐的學校本位課程評鑑 Some Thoughts about Senior High School’s Curriculum Evaluation: School-based Curriculum Evaluation as an Inquiry Praxis
- 麻醉專科醫師訓練里程碑計畫成效評量暨甄審筆試測驗分析 Performance Evaluation of the Milestone Program to Residency Training and Test Analysis of the Written Examinations for Certification in Anesthesiology
- 高等教育落實CDIO的趨勢、途徑與挑戰 "The Trends, Ways and Challenges of Implementing CDIO in Higher Education"
- 兩岸技職教育改革政策比較及啟示 A Comparison of the Reform Policies on Technical and Vocational Education between Taiwan and Mainland China and its Implications
- 教育博士學位的歷史論辯及改革發展之探究 "The Historical Debates, Reform and Development of Ed.D."