202203 (11期)期所有篇 |
- 蕭麗紅及其小說的鄉與國 Xiao Lihong and the Village and the Country in Her Novels
- 筆法與時代用字的風氣 Calligraphy Techniques and the Wording Trend of the Time
- 從台灣家庭的「神明彩」談佛光山舉辦的「神明聯誼會」 Religious Synthesis: from Taiwanese’s Family Altar to the“Deities reunion”Event Held by Buddha Light Mountain
- 淺談卡繆(誤會)三幕劇探討身心合──表演方法應用於表演訓練;教學之中 A Discussion on the Application of Psychophysical Acting in Albert Camus’s Le Malentendu to Students’Performing Training
- 綜藝節目腳本的編寫方法 Writing Methods on Variety Show Scripts
- 產學攜手合作僑生專班學生壓力來源之研究──以北部某科技大學為例 Research on the Sources of Stress for Overseas Chinese Students in the Program of Industry- Academic Collaboration–A Case Study of University of Science and Technology in Northern Taiwan
- 民粹主義對憲政民主衝擊之分析 An Analysis of the Populism’s Impact on Constitutional Democracy
- 變局下的選擇:張發奎與五0年代香港第三勢力運動 The Choice Under the Changing Situation: Chang Fa-kwei and Hong Kong's Third Force Movement in the 1950s
- 台灣稅式支出制度的本質:產業創新條例第10條制定及歷次修正觀察 The Nature of Taiwan’s Tax Expenditure System: Formulation and Various Amendments of Article 10, Industrial Innovation Act