觀光旅遊研究學刊 Journal of Tourism and Travel Research |
202012 (15:2期)期所有篇 |
- 島嶼居民之地方依附、幸福感、與觀光發展態度之關係──以金門為例 The Relationships among Place Attachment , Well-being, and Attitude of Tourism Development of Island Residents-A Case of Kinmen
- 海外實習對跨文化能力、生涯自我效能和就業力之影響 The Impact of International Internship Program on Cross Cultural Competence, Career Self-efficacy and Employability
- 華語導遊服務角色之探討:導遊與遊客之觀點 The Service Roles of Chinese Speaking Tour Guides: The Viewpoints of Tour Guides and Tourists
- 成為環境教育場域優秀解說志工之影響因素研究 The Influencing Factors of Becoming an Outstanding Interpretation Volunteers in Environmental Education Fields