中國特色的動物史詩 Beast Epics with Chinese Characteristics
「箸於竹帛謂之書」釋義:兼談《說文》中書、箸二字的意義 The interpreting about“Noting on the bamboo slip and silk is called writing”(箸於竹帛謂之書): To research the meaning of Shu(書) and Zhu(箸)in ShuoWen Jiezi(《說文解字》)concurrently
釋《上博九•城王為城濮之行》的「肆」字以及相關的幾個問題 The Study of Shangbo vol.9“cheng wang wei cheng pu zhi xing”Chu character“Sì”configuration makes up said that concurrently discussed the related question
聶雙江歸寂思想的「超越體證」型態之研究 Nieh Shuang-chiang, Wang Yang-Ming, Returning the Stillness, Transcendental Recognition, quiet-sitting(靜坐)
牟宗三道德形上學新詮 A New Interpretation of Mou Zongsan's Moral Metaphysics
「野史」與「演義」的關以:以「三言」、「三拍」為考察中心 The Relationship Between“Unofficial History”(野史)and“Yanyi”(演義)–Focusing on San-Yan(三言)and Er Pai(二拍)
清代聲調說五律格式糾補 A Modification on the Tone Scheme of the Five-character Regulated Poetry of the Ch'ing Dynasty
《茶花兒》與《天神與貓》:張德彝《述奇》系列兩齣中國題材戲劇新探 Fleur-de-théand The Cat and the Cherub: A Survey on Two Chinese-subject Plays in Zhang Deyi's Shuqi Series
體虛之道與風景的感知:雅各泰的風景詩學 The way to experience the void and the perception of landscape: poetics of the landscape at Jaccottet
風景的建制及其問題 Institution of Landscape? Problems and investigations
物我相處之境:論日本庭園 Encountering Things: Some Reflections on the Japanese Garden
從「山水」到「水石」:元結、柳宗元與中唐山水美感話語的一種變化 From“Mount-Water”to“Spring-Rock”: A Shift of Chinese Landscape Aesthetic Discourse in Mid-Tang as Embodied in Writing of Yuan Jie and Liu Zongyuan