200412 (76期)期所有篇 |
- 台灣農業生產、生活、生態功能各自獨立的基本改革 Fundamental Reform of Taiwanese Agriculture through Functional Segregation of Production, Living and Ecology
- 台灣食品業對大陸投資與貿易間交互關係之研究 A Study on the Interaction Between Direct Investment to China and International Trade: Evidence from Food-Process Industries of Taiwan
- 進口乾金針與乾香菇潛在衝擊之分析 Potential Effects of Imported Dried Lily Flower and Dried Mushroom in Taiwan
- 不同市場結構下排放權交易機制分析 Emission Trading and Market Structure
- 外溢效果下之最適補貼率 The optimal subsidy rate under spillover effect
- 台灣對外直接投資、出口及匯率動態關聯之研究:多變量時間序列模型之應用 The Dynamic Relationships of Foreign Direct Investment, Exports and Exchange Rate in Taiwan: Empirical Evidences Based on Multivariate Time Series Analysis
- 台灣住宅抵押貸款終止行為之研究 A Study on the Termination Behaviors of Residential Mortgages in Taiwan