華文文學與文化 Sinophone Literatures and Culture |
201801 (5期)期所有篇 |
- 傳統形式的異國想像──謝雪漁〈陣中奇緣〉水域形構下的地景敘事 Exotic Imagination in Classical Chinese Novels: A Case Study of 'Romance in the Frontier(陣中奇緣)' Written by Xie Xue-yu(謝雪漁)
- 澳門之必要──論飛歷奇長篇作品中的人物形象與地方書寫 Necessity of Macao: The Writing of Character and Place in Henrique de Senna Fernandes's Novels
- 淺談《盜墓筆記》中的文化虛實與運用效果 Preliminary Study of The Graver Robbers Chronicles Associated with Culture Spectrum and Apply Effect
- 「女有所歸」──從女性歸宿論《青塚前的對話》 Females had their homes─Exploring the relationship between Females and their lives in Whispers At A Tombstone
- 聖誕節/房門/居家清單/冬之眠/生日蠟燭/水鬼 Christmas Day, The Door of the Room , Birthday Candles, Home List, Winter Sleep, Water Ghosts
- 左傾還是右轉──葉榮鐘第三文學論 The Left-Leaning Concept or Rightist Campaign classification–written by Yeh, Jung-Chung's the Third Literary Theory
- 薛西弗斯的變體:論《嫁粧一牛車》電影劇本中萬發存在精神之研究 The Variant of Sisyphus: A Research on Wan-fa's Spirit of Existentialism in the Film Script Adapted from 'The Ox-Cart Filled with Dowry's
- 市長的孩子 The Mayor's Children
- 中點,以及胡椒餅 In the middle of the place, and Pepper cakes
- 廚刀 Chef Knives
- 擁抱之前/店長 Before The Hug , A Host