「外國文學門」課程在近代中國大學院校的建置與標準化──以北大、清華為討論中心 The Disciplinary Procedure and Standardization of Foreign Literature Courses in Modern Chinese Universities: Peking and Tsinghua University
1947年中山大學法學院學潮──薩孟武與廣東政局 The 1947 Protest Movement in the Law School of National Sun Yat-sen University: Sa Mengwu and the Political Predicament in Canton
政府資訊公開法制的誕生與臺灣史研究脈動(2000-2008) The Birth of Freedom of Government Information Law System and Trend of Taiwan Historical Study (2000-2008)
《尚書.商書》「其如台」新探 A New Interpretation of the Phrase “qi ru yi "(「其如台」) in the Book of Shang
漢代法制研究新取徑──以《二年律令》與《名公書判清明集》的禁賭為例 A New Approach to Han Legal History: Gambling Prohibition in The Legal Texts of the Year Two and The enlightened judgments in Light of the Assumption of Historical Continuity
評介兩岸學界近十年有關《經世文編》的研究概況 Jing Shi Wen Bian Studies in Taiwan and China during the Last Decade
張家山漢簡《二年律令.均輸律》譯注 An Annotated Translation of The Legal Texts of Year Two and Laws of Uniform Taxation in the Zhang Jia Shan Materials
〈謝鯤墓誌〉考釋 Textual Analysis of “The Epitaph of Xie Kun”
中國中古的「二元世界觀」──引介陳弱水,《唐代文士與中國思想的轉型》 The Dualistic Worldview in Medieval China: Review of Chen Jo-Shui, Literary men and intellectual transformations in Tang China