台灣國際研究季刊 Taiwan International Studies Quarterly |
202309 (19:3期)期所有篇 |
- 剖析課徵國家層級碳稅之稅收結構與碳稅收入的使用──OECD、EU與G20主要國家碳訂價的檢視 Exploring the Tax Structure and the Use of Carbon Tax Revenue at Country Level: Examinations for Countries of OECD, EU, and G20 with Carbon Pricing Mechanism at Different Aspects
- 柬埔寨外交政策面向 Foreign Policy Dimensions of Cambodia
- 一帶一路倡議對柬埔寨發展的機會與挑戰 The Opportunities and Challenges of the Belt and Road Initiative for the Development of Cambodia
- 艾森豪政府對施亞努「中立主義」政策之認知與對策 Eisenhower and Cambodia: Leading Bureaucrats’Perception and Response towards Sihanouk’s“Neutralism”Policy