台灣國際研究季刊 Taiwan International Studies Quarterly |
201403 (10:1期)期所有篇 |
- 從外國字到國語字--民族主義、現代化與越南羅馬字政策 From Foreign Writing System to National Writing System: Nationalism, Odernization and Vietnam's Romanization Policy
- 臺灣技職教育輸出越南之策略芻議 Preliminary Strategies for Taiwan Export Technological and Vocational Education to Vietnam
- 越南的少數民族及其困境 Ethnic Minorities of Vietnam and Their Predicaments
- 越南的國家認同--鄰近強權、殖民、與全球化之挑戰 National Identity Issues of Vietnam: Challenges from Big Neighbor, Colonialism, and Globalization
- 越南與中國的邊界戰爭與戰略涵義 The Vietnam-China War 1979 and Its Strategic Implications
- 德國和中國建交以來的中國政策--以梅克爾總理時期(2005-12)為主 The Political, Economic, and Cultural Relations since the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Germany and China: The Era of Chancellor Merkel (2005-12)
- 後危機時期中國經濟轉型與國際參與 Chinese Economic Transitions and International Participation in the Post-Crisis Ear
- 從政治消費文化觀點看當代臺灣社會的民主參與和認同建構 Political Consumerism in Contemporary Taiwan ― A New Perspective on Identity Construction and Democratic Participation