雙溪教育論壇 The Educational Forum of Soochow University |
202112 (10期)期所有篇 |
- VARK學習風格問卷施測與學習策略指導,對師資生學習行為與成效之影響 The influence of VARK learning style questionnaire survey and learning strategies instruction on pre-service teachers' learning behavior and effectiveness
- 因應「108課綱素養導向」培育國小師資生設計跨領域教案與教學 Cultivate Pre-service Teachers to Design Interdisciplinary Teaching Plans and Teaching in Response to the 'Literacy Orientation of 108 Curriculum'
- 模組化師培課程與反思日誌提昇實習職能與資訊素養之行動研究 Action Research on Modular Teacher-Training Courses and Reflective Journal-Writing to Improve Practical-Training and Information Literacy
- 影響大學生做出轉學決定之重要他人──社會學習論的驗證與探究 The Significant Other Who Influence College Students’Decisions to Transfer Schools——Verification and Exploration of Social Learning Theory
- 實習學生人際關係經營,對其實地學習成效影響之探究──以某大學實習學生之實習經驗為例 An Investigation of the Causal Effects between Interpersonal Relations and Learning Efficacy for Student Teachers during Practicum Period
- 國中跨域核心素養課程之行動研究──以DBR取向之特色班級牌製作STEAM課程為例 Action Research on Interdisciplinary Core Competencies Curriculum for Junior High Schools - Taking DBR Teaching Model into Special Class Card Making in Steam Course as an Example