特教論壇 Special Education Forum |
201112 (11期)期所有篇 |
- 臨床語言治療師工作滿意度之研究 A study of job satisfaction on speech-language pathologist
- 身心障礙者自我概念與生活適應關聯性之後設分析 The Correlation between Self-concept and Life-adjustment of People with Disabilities: A Meta-analysis
- 生命故事教學對生命概念理解及人事智能表現之研究—以國小資源班學習障礙學生為例 The effects of life story teaching on the understanding of life concept and personal intelligence for students with learning disabilities in resource room of elementary school
- 國小注意力缺失過動症學生之學校支持、教學調整及教養策略之調查研究 A study of school support, instructional adaptations, and family educational adaptations with ADHD students in Elementary schools
- 融入教具改造之多感官課程在多重障礙學生課堂專注成效 Participation of students with multiple disabilities during multisensory program with adapting teaching aids
- 應用自我管理策略改善自閉症學童分心行為 Application of self-management on improving off-task behavior in students with Autism
- 生活相片故事對中度自閉症兒童學習影響之研究 The Research of Learning Effects with Life Photo Story for Moderate Autism Children