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A study of school support, instructional adaptations, and family educational adaptations with ADHD students in Elementary schools
作者 孟瑛如 (Ying-Ru Meng)陳秀鳳謝瓊慧
本研究旨在瞭解國小注意力缺失過動症學生在學校支持服務、教學及教養調整措施之情形,以研究者與有愛無礙團隊,接受財團法人赤子心教育基金會及社團法人台灣赤子心過動症協會之委託而編製之問卷為研究工具進行調查研究。本研究以分層抽樣進行全國取樣,共抽出24 所學校(25180 名國小學生),研究對象為經診斷或鑑定及疑似ADHD 學生之教師448 人,及經診斷或鑑定及疑似ADHD學生或赤子心過動症協會之家長共184 人。教師版問卷回收率83.1%;家長版問卷,回收率83.6%。資料統計之研究結果發現: 一、學校支持服務以教師認輔制度居多;家庭支援以建立良好親師溝通管道居多;考試調整以調整考試時間居多;班級調整以遴聘修畢特教三學分或參加特殊研習54 小時之教師居多。 二、教師教室情境佈置以調整學生座位以遠離干擾性的刺激居多;班級經營以對遵守班規的學生能給予適切的增強鼓勵居多;教學技巧以教學時提供示範與練習的機會居多;教學項目以學科補教教學居多。 三、家長家中佈置以給予孩子固定的學習或讀書地點居多;行為管理策略乃以利用堅定語氣給予孩子明確的指示居多;規律的生活作息以與孩子約定起床與上床的時間居多。 四、家長顯少參與相關輔導或活動,未能參與的原因是忙碌難以有時間參與、未得到相關活動資訊、找不到適合的課程與活動、感覺沒有得到實質協助。 五、教師最需要的是行為問題處理技巧、教學策略及班級經營技巧;家長最需要的資訊是行為問題處理技巧、學習策略及家長自我情緒管理。 六、中區的學校其學校支持、教師調整措施都比北部差,而南區僅有學校支持服務略遜一籌。 七、不同特教背景的教師在教學調整策略運用上達到顯著差異(F=56.010, p<.001)。
The major of this study was to investigate elementary teachers' instructional adaptations and Family educational adaptations for ADHD students. The major way of the research is questionnaire survey with the “Elementary students Attention Investigation Questionnaire”. The sampling way of this study was stratified random sampling. The object of the study was 224 teachers and 189 parents for ADHD students. The finding of the study as follow : In school, most of school support services are teacher counsels, parents and teachers communication, modulate examination time, distribute ADHD students to the teachers who have special education background. In class, most of teachers use these instructional adaptations below: make ADHD students seat away from interference, give encourage at the right moment, give example and practice opportunities. And about parents, most of them use clear instructions and regular lifestyle to manage ADHD children behavior. ADHD parents were less involved in counseling or related activities, the reasons are too busy to have time in activities, or without the information, can't find the appropriate courses and activities, feeling no real assistance. About needs, teachers and parents need most are both the behavior problems solve skills.
起訖頁 45-58
關鍵詞 注意力缺失過動症學校支持教學調整教養調整Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD)Support serviceinstructional adaptationsFamily educational adaptations
刊名 特教論壇  
期數 201112 (11期)
出版單位 清華大學竹師教育學院(原:新竹教育大學)
該期刊-上一篇 生命故事教學對生命概念理解及人事智能表現之研究—以國小資源班學習障礙學生為例
該期刊-下一篇 融入教具改造之多感官課程在多重障礙學生課堂專注成效




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