教育科學研究期刊 Journal of Research in Education Sciences |
200110 (46:2期)期所有篇 |
- 從學校組織權力弔詭管理觀點建構學校組織變革模式 The Construction of the Model of Organizational Change in Schools through the Perspective of Management of Power Paradox in School Organizations
- 我國國民中小學學校行政規則現況之探討 The school rulemaking in elementary and junior high schools in Taiwan
- 學校本位課程發展評鑑指標建構初探 The study of school-based curriculum evaluation indicators
- 教師性別教育專業成長之分析研究 The Analysis of Teachers' Professional Growth in Gender Equity Education
- 全語言教學在國中英語課之實驗研究 The Empirical Study of Whole Language Teaching in English Class of Junior High