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The Construction of the Model of Organizational Change in Schools through the Perspective of Management of Power Paradox in School Organizations
作者 黃乃熒
The study is to analyze the perspective of management of power paradox in school organizations , which will help construct an effective model of organizational change in schools . And the study also analyzes how to facilitate organizational change in schools through power exercise. In general, power exercise is served to solve the conflicts among school members and help form dominant coalition. According to the extent of domination coalition, it can determine the energy in action. Because energy in action can lead to organizations to new reality, power and organizational change in schools are related to each other. However, power exercise will produce the paradox. If power paradox in school organizations cannot be managed effectively, power exercise is hard to reach the anticipated results. And some approaches, such as appropriateness of privileged values, understanding of subjective intention of school members, inquiry of authority identification, and management of interdependent relationships, can help manage power paradox in school organizations. These approaches can construct the model of organizational change in schools, which helps facilitate the quality of organizational change in schools.
起訖頁 145-164
關鍵詞 學校組織變革權力弔詭管理organizational change in schoolspower paradox
刊名 教育科學研究期刊  
期數 200110 (46:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學
該期刊-下一篇 我國國民中小學學校行政規則現況之探討




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