漢學研究集刊 Yuntech Journal of Chinese Studies |
201106 (12期)期所有篇 |
- 《說苑》弘揚「孔子」之研究──思想方面 Liu Xiang promote the study of Confucius - in ideological terms
- 論《漢書‧藝文志》的「經典」屬性與內涵 Discussion on ‘Classic’ Attributes and Connotations of 'The Treatise on the Classics and Writings in The Book of Han'
- 論范文瀾《文心雕龍注》的體例與優點 Discuss the Style and Merit of Fan Wen Lan’s Annotation of the Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons
- 李基憲《燕行錄》中之清代中國形象 Qing Dynasty China’s Image in Yeonhaenglok' by Lee Gi-hoen
- 論聖嚴法師旅行書寫中的古典特質與古今對映 On Classical Characteristic and Historical Reflection of Master Shengyen’s Travel writings
- 價值衝突的權衡──以先秦儒墨相非為中心 Study on the value of conflict with Confucian and Mohist