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Study on the value of conflict with Confucian and Mohist
作者 吳進安
Since the last century to this century, and to the rushing tide of globalization, whether in the advanced regions or other areas, are showing a strong contrast with the formation of conservative and progressive, traditional and modern, to resist and change the value of conflict, this conflicting values under the influence of society and people, even the sacrifice of life and ethical order of turmoil and uncertainty. How the dialogue, communication and consensus-building of the method, to find a harmonious way is an urgent challenge. Pre-Qin Dynasty competition, is the golden age of Chinese philosophy, Confucian and Mohist were splendid commander, stirring between each other. Although Han Yu said, Confucius must use the Mozi, Mozi will use Confucius, are not in use, lack of Confucius and Mozi, but the purport of both teachings and philosophy implications are not talking about a little, so for both phase difference between the essence of philosophy. Seeking partial consideration of the fundamental differences, and the contribution to social life style, by the study of this case, derived from two department and commander of the discussion focused, which is a form of dialogue, to find the possible communication ethics, From the dialogue may be create the model and in the light of today's significance.
起訖頁 1-22
關鍵詞 儒家墨家儒墨相非溝通道德the value of conflictConfucianMohist
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 201106 (12期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 論聖嚴法師旅行書寫中的古典特質與古今對映




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