唐代兩京地區出土女性墓葬型制研究 A Study on the Female Tombs Around the Two Capitals of Tang Dynasty
「祀瘟神」與「送瘟船」──中國古代瘟疫醮之緣起 「Sacrificing to the gods of the plague 」 and 「Expelling the ship of the plague」 —the origin of the ritual of the plague in ancient China
十六、十七世紀羅馬耶穌會之教育及范禮安(Alessandro Valignano, 1539-1606)主導下之東方教士培訓 “The Education of the Jesuits in Rome and the Training of the Missionaries in the Oriental World under the leadership of Alessandro Valignano (1539-1606)during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries”
生命的延展與超越--王嘉《拾遺記》為亂世百姓所揭櫫的人生目標 The Extension and Transcendency of Life: The Direction of Life Guided by Wang Jia’s “Shi Yi Ji” for People in Troublous Period
移位的「邊界」:納蘭詞的邊塞書寫 Shift of the “border”: The Description of Frontier in Nah Lan Shin Der’s lyric