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作者 柯萬成
李唐皇朝(618-907)享國289 年,期間,承魏晉南北朝之漸,人不相師;整個唐代,只有一位老師;是韓愈。他勇於為師,作〈師說〉,收授弟子,張揚儒道,形成了所謂韓門弟子,這批韓門弟子,反過來,幫助了他的學說傳播於後。究竟,韓門弟子是如何與老師相處的?韓愈又如何照拂他們,讓他們成才。韓愈作為老師?是如何傳道、授業、解惑的?而弟子又如何回報?本文以張籍為例做探討。因為,張籍為韓門弟子的佼佼者,為韓愈照拂最多。昌黎生前,以詩為教:逝後,張籍以詩為報。特別的是:張籍〈祭退之〉長篇祭詩係仿效老師〈此日足可惜〉的詩體而作,以示學成之意。因為蘊藏了深層的意義,必須表而出之。通過本文,可窺韓門師生之恩義,體現人倫之美,可以作為昌黎〈師說〉的具體實證;可以補充史傳「韓門弟子」的內涵。
During the Tang Dynasty (618-907), scholars followed the tradition as lid down by the wei-jin and southern and northern dynasties and refused to honor the relation between teachers and disciples. The only exception is Han Yu, who honored the position of the teacher, wrote his famous essay “On Teacher,” and accepted disciples in order to promote Confucianism, and formed the so-called “Han Yu’s disciples.” On the other hand, the Han Yu’s disciples did help Han Yu promote his Confucian ideas. However, how did the disciples react? How did Han Yu educate them and help them in their career? Or, as their teacher, how did Han Yu practice what he said as the mission of a teacher in his famous essay mentioned above: namely, passing on the Confucian Tao, teaching them the classics, and solving their puzzles? And how did the disciples pay back their gratitude? Here Zhang Chi is a nice example, because Zhang is one of his outstanding disciples, and also most cared by Han Yu. Most importantly, while Han educated his disciples through his poetry, Zhang expressed his gratitude through his poetry after Han’s death. Zhang’s long elegy imitated Han’s style and thus showed Zhang’s maturity of his learning. This significant meaning must be uncovered and investigated. Hence, the present study demonstrates the admirable relation between Han Yu and his disciples, which shows the beautiful ethics, the practice of the ideas as implied in “On Teacher,” and substantial content of what the Han Yu’s disciples means.
起訖頁 23-43
關鍵詞 韓愈張籍詩教師道韓門弟子Han YuZhang Chimoral teachings in poetrythe Tao of teacherHan Yu’s disciples.
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 201012 (11期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-下一篇 唐代兩京地區出土女性墓葬型制研究




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