漢學研究集刊 Yuntech Journal of Chinese Studies |
200912 (9期)期所有篇 |
- 墨家終極關懷中的烏托邦性格 On the Mohist Ultimate Concern of the Utopian Character
- 《韓非子〉「以刑去刑」說疑義論析 A Critical Examination of 'Ending Punishments through Punishments' in Hanfeizi
- 略論魏晉荀學之發展 The Development of the Xunism In Wei-Jin
- 《法華三昧懺儀》──從經典義理向實踐儀式的轉化 A Study on the Repentance Ritual of Saddharmapundarika Samadhi: The Transformation from Teachings in Canons to Repentance Ritual
- 明代提學官制與孫應鰲〈教秦緒言〉教育訓詞探析 Investigation and Analysis for The Minister of Education of Ming Dynasty and a Speech of Admonition, “Advice to All Teachers and Students” by Sun Ying-Ao
- 孔子與柏拉圖之樂教異同初探 The Similarities of Confucius and Plato to Music Education
- 刻意疏離後的漠然應對--由清人筆記《茶餘客話》展示文人視野下的民間信仰 An analysis of the literati’s observations on folk belief based on the book Cha Yu Ke Hua of the Qing Dynasty