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On the Mohist Ultimate Concern of the Utopian Character
作者 吳進安
The focus of Mohist philosophy has always been focused on the reconstruction of social order issues, basically in line with the pragmatic spirit and pretty clear Mohism reflection of concern to the theme. However, on the basis of Mohism and development is concerned, What's Mohist build the kind of world? In particular, is the fundamental basis of settle down, 'heaven-man relationship,' The establishment of the resettlement of people outside of their own lives, whether or not there is a state of ideals and the desire to seek changes in the heaven-man relationship in the establishment of an inherent harmony and a sense of belonging. 'Heaven' is the idea of the important concepts in Chinese philosophy, Mohist's 'Heaven' concept is the source of value and order, and explain the basis of moral order in human relations and the important concepts in Getting Started. Mozi pragmatic and rule, but must have its desire to establish the ideal world, so in order to show 'Heaven will' and 'universal love', etc. connotation of the concept is the motivation for this study. This article from the concept of ultimate concern to proceed, analyze Mohist the corresponding heaven-man relationship, and under this principle to explain the Mohist of 'Elite disabilities in the Tao,' by insisting on the certainty of further explore the Mohist character with a disability in order to solve the country in the return to the utopian, and realization of universal meaning. Mohist person with a real world beyond the limits of moral courage, by default through the ideals of a country, they have a utopian character is obvious and admirable.
起訖頁 23-46
關鍵詞 墨家天志終極關懷烏托邦性格MohistTin-chithe ultimate concernUtopia character
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 200912 (9期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-下一篇 《韓非子〉「以刑去刑」說疑義論析




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