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A Critical Examination of 'Ending Punishments through Punishments' in Hanfeizi
作者 蘇德昌
One of the main ideas put forth in Hanfeizi is that of 'ending punishments through punishments,' expressing Hanfei's basic and overarching belief that a country can be ruled through law and punishments. Although the idea advocates severe punishments for crime, it emphasizes that severe punishments, both monetary and capital, are to be used to stop crime, especially those of minor offenses. This idea, however, is not new. Hanfei studied under Xunzi originally, but later turned from Confucianism in favor of Legalist thought, especially that of Shang Yang's. In fact, Hanfei's advocation of 'ending punishments through punishments' was borrowed from him. Yet, as they lived during different times, their ideas of how to carry out this practice were different. This fact casts some doubt on Hanfei's reasons for using this. Furthermore, since Heifei lacked the experience in political reforms that Shang Yang had, it makes one wonder if his ideas were based on actual experience and knowledge, or were more akin to theoretical ideals. This paper will attempt to delineate the beginnings and development of this idea, as is shown in ancient works. Its efficacy and shortcomings as a theoretical ideal will also be addressed in terms of practicability and results of application.
起訖頁 47-79
關鍵詞 韓非子疑義商鞅HanfeiziPunishmentsPunishmentsShang Yang
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 200912 (9期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 墨家終極關懷中的烏托邦性格
該期刊-下一篇 略論魏晉荀學之發展




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