日治初期臺灣民間纖維工藝之考察——以片岡巖《日臺俚諺詳解》、平澤丁東《臺灣俚諺集覽》為例 An investigation of the development of Taiwan's fiber technology in the early days of Japanese colonial rule - Taking Kataoka Yan's Detailed Explanation of Japanese and Taiwanese Proverbs and Hirasawa Dingdong's Collection of Taiwanese Proverbs as examples
論明清時期對朝鮮女性漢詩的編纂動機 Motivation for compilation of the Chǒsun Female Han Poetry in Ming-Qing
何焯《文選》學的梳理與試探——從「何校」與「何評」的釐正談起 Organize and observe on He Zhuo's erudition of Wenxuan--Star with distinguish proof and comment by He Zhuo
昌邑國與山陽郡瑣議——讀《中國行政區劃通史‧秦漢卷(上)》札記 Trivial Comment on Chang-Yi Vassal State and Shanyang Prefecture—Notes on reading of A Comprehensive History of Administrative Divisions in China: Qin-Han Volume ( Part 1)