白沙歷史地理學報 Baisha Journal of GeoHistory |
201712 (18期)期所有篇 |
- 民國6年(1917)京畿水災與善後河工對策——根據「河工討論會議事錄」 The Great Flood of 1917 in Beijing Area and the Government Response of River-control Project: Based on the Project Council Records
- 明代萬恭整治鎮江運河與瓜洲運河 Improvement of Zhenjiang Canal and Guazhou River by Wan Gong in the Ming Dynasty
- 近代山陝地區地理環境與水利管理系統 Geographical environment and system of water and irrigation management in Shanxi and Shaanxi provinces in modern times
- 埔里盆地的水利發展(1815-2017) Water Conservancy Development in Puli Basin
- 清代嘉義沿山地區阿里山社番租的流失——以通事角色為中心 Abolition of Alishan Aborigines' Land Rights in The Chia-yi Hillside Areas during the Qing Dynasty - The Discussion Focused on the role of Tongshi
- 糾紛與秩序──清代至日治初期屏東平原水利紛爭的幾則案例 Conflicts and Orders: cases on irrigational conflicts in Pintung plain during Qing and early Japanese Era