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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
The Study of using different computer-assisted strategies to enhance student learning in mathematic fraction concept course |
作者 |
王曉璿、林朝清、周建宏、蔡松男、王怡萱 |
中文摘要 |
本研究旨在探討以建構主義為基礎的電腦輔助學習策略,並進一步藉由教學實驗,進行不同電腦輔助學習策略、低數學學習成就的學生以原來的電腦輔助學習策略,接受不同的補教教學策略、補救教學的電腦輔助學習策略之鷹架輔助學習模式三個階段的準實驗研究,以探究學生在數學分數概念課程學習效益。經二年實驗研究發現(1)表徵間轉換的經驗促進學生分數概念有意義的學習(2)接受「遊戲式概念改變」電腦輔助學習策略的學生學習成就優於「引導式表徵陳述」電腦輔助學習策略的學生。(3)受試者對於電腦輔助學習的態度皆呈現較為正面的學習態度。(4)透過「引導式表徵陳述」電腦輔助學習策略的學習後依然為低數學成就學生,再接受「先測驗後決定是否學習」之補救教學策略的受試者在分數概念學習成就表現具有顯著差異。(5)透過「鷹架式電腦輔助學習」模式之學生,無論在學習興趣、學習內容、上課方式及學習延伸意願部份都有正向之學習態度。 |
英文摘要 |
The purpose of this research tried to understand the effect of using the different computer assisted learning strategies in mathematical fraction concept course. Based on the different courseware design methodology and the constructivism, two type of mathematic learning courseware were designed as research tools in the study. Researching experiment were divided three sections. The quantitative quasi-experiment with t-test and covariance analysis was used in the study. Server conclusions were as follow.1. Low mathematical achievement students had better performance in fraction concept after using “gaming conceptual change” than using “guided representative description”.2. No matter which computer-assisted learning model was adopted, the groups presented more positive learning attitude in learning interest, content and in class mode.3. There are significant effects on student categorized as low mathematical achievement after aided with the “gaming conceptual change” model in the wake of various remediable teaching strategies. |
起訖頁 |
326-346 |
關鍵詞 |
補救教學、電腦輔助學習、建構主義教學、數學分數概念、學習策略、Remedial instruction、Computer-assisted learning、Constructivism teaching、Mathematical fraction concept、Strategies of learning. |
刊名 |
數位學習科技期刊 |
期數 |
200909 (1:4期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
博物館學習導覽系統之建置、應用與成效分析 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
國小學童網路安全行為之初探 |