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資訊社會對生活品質之影響:從科技與文化的觀點探討   全文下載 全文下載
The Impact of the Information Society to the Quality of Life:From the Perspectives of Technologies and Culture
作者 林子銘 (Tzu-Ming Lin)莊敬民林哲宇連俊瑋施永裕
Will the information and telecommunication technologies (ICTs) alone bring the fortune and happiness to us, or is it the way we make daily decisions based on our cultural values that really count? This research studies the influence of cultural values and the degree of ICTs’applications on people's economical and psychological well-beings. In recent two decades, many nations recognize the power of ICTs, but experts still cannot have conclusive evidences about the role of cultural values and the applications of ICTs on people's social and economical living quality. In order to find out the answers related to these issues in international level and individual level, this study designs a two-phase research. At first, relevant secondary data from various international institutions are collected and statistically analyzed. Secondly, a survey method was adopted to collect individual data from master students in National Central University’s continuing education program and members of Taiwan’s Rotary Club. In the international level, we find that the use of ICT and cultural values bears significant impact on income per capita and life satisfaction. However, in the individual level the impact of some cultural values is noticeable, yet the impact of ICTs is negligible. It implies that ICTs are becoming commodities when they are cheaply available. Once ICTs are available, it is our mind-sets, not technologies, that make us rich and happy.
起訖頁 51-68
關鍵詞 資訊社會生活品質文化價值觀information societythe quality of lifecultural values
刊名 考銓季刊  
期數 200701 (49期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 第三部門使用資訊通信科技之探究
該期刊-下一篇 公務人員政策行銷能力之培訓:以行銷資訊系統為例




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