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第三部門使用資訊通信科技之探究   全文下載 全文下載
On the Information and Communication Technologies and the Third Sector
作者 江明修劉意詮
第三部門(third sector)的興起,主要起於公民意識的湧現,並已對政府治理產生重大衝擊。第三部門已成為先進國家提供公共服務的重要來源之一,也使第三部門與政府之間的關係產生相當程度的改變(Plowden, 2003),並逐漸在社會福利與服務提供上扮演重要角色。
當前,資訊通信科技(Information and Communication Technologies, ICTs)日趨發達,技術不斷推陳出新,從e-mail、網頁到部落格、MSN等,不僅改變許多個人和團體的行為,也使第三部門的管理模式和內外關係產生了實質變化。「運用資訊通信科技實現全民參政理想」研究案電訪資料中得知,近半比例受訪者所參與的社團組織設有網站,多數受訪者有使用相關資訊通信科技的經驗與習慣。而國外的相關統計研究資料也顯示,使用資訊通信科技的情況已逐漸普及。
The rising of third sector and non-government organization emerged from the civic consciousness, and made a great influence on governmental governance. Third sector has become a main force of public service, changed the relationship between the government and third sector, influenced society and politics, and plays an important role on social welfare and service supply in the world.
Recently, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), such as emails, blogs, MSN, and some related soft/hardware, has had great improvement. ICTs not only has changed the actions of persons and of organizations, but also has influenced the management and the interaction of the third sector. Revealed by a research (The research of using ICTs to fulfilling the ideals of civic participation), almost a half organizations in which interviewer joined have their own websites, and most interviewers get the experiences or have habits in using ICTs. Other foreign studies also show the same trend.
Through the research, we find that the third sector faces the problem of lacking money, manpower and soft/hardware. The deficiency of manager and professional knowledge limit the range that the third sector uses the ICTs directly. Similarly, the short of software/hardware makes the third sector difficult to provide information service, or extend their service range. All these factors restrain the E-development of the third sector.
The pervasive use of ICTs shows the trend of E-Society. Thus, this article tries to show the importance and influence of ICTs to third sector. Furthermore, the conclusion supports the utilization of ICTs for the development of the third sector.
起訖頁 29-50
刊名 考銓季刊  
期數 200701 (49期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 數位學習與文官體制動能
該期刊-下一篇 資訊社會對生活品質之影響:從科技與文化的觀點探討




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