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Digital Learning and the Momentum of Civil Service System
作者 蔡良文
In the era of knowledge-based economic development, the quality of human resources influence a country’s overall development. How to employ digital teaching material and digital learning method to train the talent has become an important issue in improving the quality of civil service and the general public.. More specifically, most government agencies have made large investment in information technology to comply with the trend of e-government worldwide, such as: intranet, knowledge tank, knowledge platform, performance evaluation management system, administrative policy support system and file management computerization, to build a good, sound environment for knowledge management. Since knowledge management activities may be consolidated and vitalized by digital learning, which has a positive effect on the improvement of personnel quality, it must, therefore, accelerate the effects of civil service system development.
Since the development of the civil service system is involved with public servants’qualities and abilities, it depends not only on highly implicit knowledge mostly passed and transferred by long-term face-to-face mentoring, but also on explicit knowledge transmitted by Internet through written material, to inspire greater learning confidence among public servants as well as to enhance their knowledge and skills through digital learning without the traditional restrictions of time and space. Meanwhile, the knowledge management communities built hereunder may be more appropriate to cross the boundaries, and to develop good, cooperative relationships to further train professional talent with an international perspective, to face international and digital challenges in the future.
起訖頁 14-28
關鍵詞 知識經濟數位學習文官體制知識社群knowledge-based economydigital learningcivil service systemknowledge community
刊名 考銓季刊  
期數 200701 (49期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 數位學習與公務人力培訓
該期刊-下一篇 第三部門使用資訊通信科技之探究




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