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從知識管理到組織學習--行政院人事行政局的經驗分享   全文下載 全文下載
Implementing Organizational Learning Through Knowledge Management-The Experience of Central Personnel Administration, Executive Yuan
作者 吳三靈
知識管理是進行組織學習最佳方法之一,行政院人事行政局體察21世紀的管理思潮在追求速度講求創新,遂於90年底參酌比爾‧蓋茲(Bill Gates)所著數位神經系統的理念,研究規劃建置人事行政數位神經系統,除積極佈建基層人事機構運用資訊技術的軟硬體環境外,92年初建構知識管理運作體系。本文主要敘述本局知識管理運作各階段及採行之計畫策略據以引導同仁進行知識盤點、萃取、加值、存儲、運用及創新;從選定議題之先導社群運作至以功能業務區分之擴散社群、新興社群運作,逐步落實並強化知識管理運作。經四年來的努力除將人事行政業務流程標準化、簡化、合理化外,並積極創新人事行政作為,型塑本局為學習型組織以因應資訊快速變革、社會快速變遷的時代。
Knowledge management is one shortcut to fulfill organizational learning. The Central Personnel Administration(CPA)of the Executive Yuan realized that the trend in administrative management in the 21st century must focus on speed and innovation. We planned and established Digital Nervous System for Personnel Administration based on Bill Gates’s“Digital Nervous System”. This article mainly describes the establishment, development and implementing strategies of knowledge management of the CPA. In order to promote knowledge management functions, we adopted different polices and activities step by step to guide and encourage our colleagues to perform them and to proceed the knowledge inventory, extract, store, value-adding, application, and innovation. Over twenty thousands knowledge objects were stored in Knowledge Management System by July 2006. There are many paradigmatic knowledge objects having been helpful and beneficial for the public service.
Through the processes of knowledge management and organizational learning, the CPA has turned into a model of learning organization.
起訖頁 34-44
關鍵詞 knowledge managementorganizational learningDigital Nervous System for Personnel Administration
刊名 考銓季刊  
期數 200610 (48期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 考試院推動知識管理與人力資源運用之分析
該期刊-下一篇 公務機關如何以『與民眾改變民眾』的態度創價知識管理




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