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考試院推動知識管理與人力資源運用之分析   全文下載 全文下載
An Analysis of Knowledge Management and Human Resources Utilization Implemented by the Examination Yuan of the Republic of China
作者 蔡良文
The Examination Yuan is responsible for the relevant regulation and management of civil service human resources in the Republic of China (ROC), and the evaluation and appraisal of the practice qualification for professionals and technologists. We can not stay away from the trend of knowledge management and should integrate into and link with the management and development of civil service human resources. Moreover, we should find the core and spirit of the civil service resources development to achieve knowledge sharing and innovation. These are the issues that we concern.
To cope with the era of organizational reengineering in the government sector and knowledge-based economy, the Examination Yuan and its subordinating ministries have actively established knowledge management system to facilitate the experience transmission and knowledge transfer, mold learning organization, and strengthen the implementation of electronic business etc. All of these are aimed at upgrading manpower quality, job performance and resources utilization in the agencies. The process that the Examination Yuan implements knowledge management to review and evaluate includes the following five items. The first item is to utilize knowledge management to improve human resources management of civil service. The second item is about the leadership of strategic management level and financial support. The third item is to enhance knowledge community type and mold organizational culture with knowledge management. The fourth item is to encourage knowledge sharing and establish performance appraisal criteria. And the last one is to strengthen information technology human capital and upgrade development.
The Examination Yuan hopes to overcome all barriers during the implementation of knowledge management to gain the benefits from knowledge reuse, process simplification and innovation, strengthening the quality of fast decisions, uplifting manpower quality, and enhancing the efficiency in serving the public.
起訖頁 18-33
關鍵詞 知識管理知識經濟外顯知識內隱知識組織分享知識社群知識移轉組織文化績效評估knowledge managementknowledge economyexplicit knowledgetacit knowledgeorganizational sharingcommunities of knowledgeknowledge transferorganizational culturalperformance appraisal
刊名 考銓季刊  
期數 200610 (48期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 知識型政府的意涵與發展
該期刊-下一篇 從知識管理到組織學習--行政院人事行政局的經驗分享




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