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公務機關如何以『與民眾改變民眾』的態度創價知識管理   全文下載 全文下載
Public Administration with an Attitude“Change for the People with People”to Prompt and Abridge the Value of Knowledge Management
作者 李宗勳
當萬能政府不再萬能的時候,社會發展社會人性的改變,值得吾等思索我們需要學習什麼,才能面對自己與別人。本文旨在將筆者過往四年半實際擔任「內湖安全社區暨健康城市促進會」總企劃推展公私協力成功通過[世界衛生組織](WHO)國際認證的經驗,分享公部門如何以「與民眾改變民眾」(Change for the people with people)、「與社會學習改善社會」的態度與心態提升知識管理的價值,也就是公部門若能從社會民間的需求、視野、脈絡與在地網絡等知識應用角度去學習與互動,比較有可能提升知識管理的實踐與應用價值,畢竟知識管理的終極目的是在於改善民眾的生活品質與公民素養,而非僅止於內部作業流程改造或法律知識研習而已,是要轉化為「可感受」(perceived)的服務品質提升。
The ability to judge whether there is an opportunity to gain collaborative advantage is one that develops with experience, and depends on many different variables. However a possible first step on the road is to gain an understanding of the collaborative relationships your organization already has. Finance directors keep track of the money, HR directors keep track of the people, but no one keeps track of the relationships with other organizations. This paper use an efficient audit of what exists today will reveal where effective relationships have already been established. This is a worthwhile exercise, on the basis that it is much more efficient to build on existing relationship than to initiate new ones. This paper will discuss the theory“relationship governance”, relationship governance emphasis relationship is not only related human being, but also includes other species or creature relatopnship. The latter view is come from Scandinavia which emphasis the balance relationship among human being, animal and nature. Despite discuss the theory framework, this paper will compare the view of Scandinavia safe community and the case experience of Taiwan community risk governance. This paper hope to find the same and different factors in advance safe community , and to compare the experience in community-risk governance between Scandinavia and Taiwna.
起訖頁 45-63
刊名 考銓季刊  
期數 200610 (48期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 從知識管理到組織學習--行政院人事行政局的經驗分享
該期刊-下一篇 社會網絡與公部門個人知識管理之分析




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