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約僱與臨時人員管理制度變革之研究   全文下載 全文下載
Institutional Change of Contractual and Temporal Personnel Management Institution in Taiwan
作者 呂育誠
This Paper analyzed problems and issues of Contractual and Temporal Personnel Management(CTPM)in Taiwan, and exam its status and change strategy by views of HRM and flexible employment. CTPM isn’t a main institution of public personnel management in Taiwan, but there are accumulated lots of contractual and temporal workers both in central and local government and if the Authority won’t institutionalize and settle down relative affairs, it may become a problem in the future. The author argued that CTPM not only provide part time job, but need to integrate personal management institution, organization, and worker themselves: first, CTPM should be combined into personal management institution and created functions.
Second, public personal employment can become more flexible and will not hinder other personal system through CTPM. Finally, CTPM should empower workers to protect their rights and provide professional skills to attain organizational objectives.
起訖頁 64-79
關鍵詞 約僱人員臨時人員人事行政Contractual and Temporal Personnel Managementpublic personal managementinstitution
刊名 考銓季刊  
期數 200604 (46期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 政府改造與彈性用人政策
該期刊-下一篇 公務人員特種考試特殊設限與多元考試方式之探討--以警察、消防、海巡特考為例




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