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政府改造與彈性用人政策   全文下載 全文下載
Reinventing Government and Flexible Employment Policy
作者 蔡良文
我國於1990年初,由於政府積極推動重大公共投資,財政負擔日益加劇,又以人事包袱漸趨沈重,行政院院會於1998年1月通過「政府再造綱領」,旨在引進企業管理精神,建立一個創新、彈性、有應變能力的政府,以提昇國家競爭力;在2000年政黨輪替後,執政黨為掌握權力通路,調控國家機器的運作,除改變文官價值文化,具體落實用人政策,以利新政府彈性用人外,尤以政務領導(executive leadership)做為最直接控制文官體系的途徑,並增加契約性進用人員,俾利新政府彈性進用人員,推動新興業務。在2001年10月新政府正式成立政府改造委員會,積極推動行政院組織調整、立法委員席次縮減與選舉制度變革、鄉鎮自治選舉之取消,以及政府人力彈性運用等改革方案。其中最後者涉及相關文官制度如何配合改革,是重要議題。
When the governmental promotion of significant public works and investments with active measures in early 1990, resulted in heavier burdens both on government finance and public official system, the Executive Yuan eventually passed‘Guidelines on Reinventing Government’in January of 1998 with purpose to introduce enterprise management essence, to reform the government as an innovative, flexible, and resourceful one, and to raise the overall national competitiveness. Since 2000 the office shifted, the new ruling party has targeted on control governmental powers and national operation mechanism through adjusting values of public officials and realizing new policies on human resource administration in order to achieve personnel flexible management, especially on employing the executive leadership to control the official government system and increasing contract employees to locate those specially hired to new business. In October of 2001 the Government Reengineering Committee was organized to advocate Executive Yuan’s organizational reconstruction, cutting legislator seats and election reform, abandoning autonomic election on county and township levels, and flexible governmental personnel system. The last purpose involving in correspondent reforms of relevant official systems, appears the big issue.
Corresponding to the international trend, changes of internal and external environments, demands on governmental human resources, and regulations under the constitution, how to enhance the executive leadership, rebuild diplomatic accomplishment of the high-level officials, establish the official chief system, and design the balanced personnel mechanism between examination election and flexible invitation, is the core topic the study explores. Meanwhile, the government reinvention shall prevent that government’s active responses fail in political supports or produce constitutional disputes, and even face the policy dilemma of government inefficiency.
起訖頁 28-63
關鍵詞 政府改造國家競爭力施政綱領彈性用人政策政務領導契約進用reinventing governmentnational competitivenessadministrative guidelinesflexible employment policyexecutive leadershipcontract employee
刊名 考銓季刊  
期數 200604 (46期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 核心能力導向之人事制度
該期刊-下一篇 約僱與臨時人員管理制度變革之研究




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