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遊說法草案評析   全文下載 全文下載
An Analysis of the Drafted Bill of Lobbying Law
作者 曾明發
It’s a normal practice in a contemporary democratic country for the people or civic groups to lobby lawmakers or government officials with intent to influence the formation of government policy or laws based on their own benefits or public interests. However, it’s not commensurate with the doctrine of social justice, if a lawmaker or government official would accept bribes or other illegal profits from lobbyists, furthering certain‘interest groups’to gain illegal profits, or adopting the laws that would infringe public interests. For the purposes of effectively safeguarding the opportunities for people’s fair participation in politics and preventing conveyance of interests between political and commercial sectors by enacting the Lobbying Law, placing the lobbying activities in the sunshine and subjecting to examination by the people.
The proposed legislation of the Lobbying Law has been persistent for more than ten years in our country, and a lot of versions have been submitted. The legislation has yet been completed due to failing to reach consensus by various political parties. Two versions of the drafted bills of the Lobbying Law had been submitted by the Executive Yuan and legislators Lin Chung-mo and Eugene Yung-ching during the Legislative Yuan fifth session, but both bills had been unable to be referred to the committee for reviewing, therefore, the legislative process could not be accomplished. It’s obvious that the legislation of the Lobby Law is an intractable political task.
This research focuses on the assessment and analysis of the drafted bill proposed in the Legislative Yuan fifth session by the Executive Yuan. I’ve offered a few comments, hopefully, that would be able to provide reference to the concerned authorities proposing a new drafted bill or to the academics.
起訖頁 178-210
刊名 考銓季刊  
期數 200507 (43期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 我國公務人員考績項目改進之探討
該期刊-下一篇 知識經濟時代政府部門的策略管理--平衡計分卡在公部門的應用




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