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我國公務人員考績項目改進之探討   全文下載 全文下載
Probing into the Improvement of Performance Review Items for Taiwanese Public Fuctionary
作者 楊安城
According to the study of the theories of management and administration, public functionaries in each organization can be classified into three kinds of level–strategy (decision-making) level, management level, and operation (technique) level. Since the significant differences exist in“rank of job function”,“nature of job”, and“character of duty”for members in each level, those who intending to establish performance review system must consider that the review factors and standards for each examinee should fully match his (her) current“rank of job function”and“nature of job”to find the dissimilarities from similarities. It’s the only way to reach the target of the system: seamlessness between name and reality, clear distinction between reward and penalty, preciseness and objectiveness. (Refer to current public functionaries performance review regulation, section 2)
This article synthesizes theories, assumptions, analyses, and citations, as well as analyzes current performance review factors and standards for public functionaries in Taiwan. Actually there are two kinds of performance review tables in Taiwan, but performance review factors and standards in the list can’t manifest“rank of job function”,“nature of job”, and“character of duty”for each examinee. Based on scholars’theories (three kinds of level) and specific practices in advanced countries, I suggest make three kinds of planning through job details and review factors and standards listed from performance review items for public functionaries in Taiwan. If the performance review table can be made as the planning to establish review factors and standards, performance review system will be fulfilled and effective, as well as develop positive function and target from the system.
起訖頁 162-177
刊名 考銓季刊  
期數 200507 (43期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 考績懲處行使之探討
該期刊-下一篇 遊說法草案評析




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