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當危機來臨時,你該說什麼?--談組織危機溝通   全文下載 全文下載
What Would You Say When the Crisis Comes? --The Crisis Communication
作者 趙若文
在這個充滿變動的時代中,從政府機構到私人企業,其所面對的環境不確定性大幅提高,誰也無法保證自己絕對不會碰到突如其來的意外。正因如此,危機管理(crisis management)乃成為一個組織優勝劣敗的關鍵競爭力指標之一。而其中對於「危機溝通」(crisis communication)更是在處理危機、化解困境時最棘手的問題。當危機發生時,溝通比保持沉默來的重要,快速與完整的溝通能提供防禦、抓住主動優先權及改變討論型式之機會,亦能糾正錯誤訊,息與除卻謠言。本文首先界定危機溝通之意涵,並以Kathleen Fearn-Banks所提出的「危機溝通計畫」(Crisis Communication Plan,簡稱CCP)之內涵作為探討架構,並且以國內著名的「理律案」作個案分析,探討理律法律事務所如何透過有效的危機溝通而在短短的30天內順利解決因員工舞弊所產生的重大危機,使組織浴火重生。
In the age full of insecurity, no one from government to enterprise can prevent from accidents assuredly. Therefore, crisis management becomes a key point of the success of the organizations. When facing the crisis, it is crisis communication that is the most troublesome problem among others. If the crisis occurs, communication is much more significant than silence. Prompt and intact communication can provide precaution, take priorities and the chances to change, furthermore it can correct the wrong messages as well as remove the rumors. This article firstly defines the meaning of the crisis communication, structured with the ''Crisis Communication Plan (CCP) '' from Kathleen Fearn-Banks, and also analyzes the famous case of Lee and Li firm to discuss how did it settle the big crisis of maladministration through the crisis communication in just 30 days and being reborn.
起訖頁 118-130
刊名 考銓季刊  
期數 200410 (40期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 從交易成本的觀點來探討公共組織的階層結構
該期刊-下一篇 「創意思考」與政府人力資源發展的關係




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