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原住民族非編制內人員保障之探討   全文下載 全文下載
A Discussion on the Safeguard of the Non-official Organized Aboriginal Employees
作者 張駿逸
對於非編制內原住民人員的保障是出自於affirmative action的觀念。Affirmative action的觀念是國際上的共同趨勢,也是一種主流觀念,其主訴為原住民族在今日的弱勢地位以及其多方面的表現不如主體民族的現象,並不應該由原住民本身來負貴,這是因為外來民族的移入,以及長期以來的形式變遷,造成主客異位的結果。
Affirmative action的運作方式是透過觀念的改變以及立法的運作達到對原住民在傳統文化、生存就業等各方面的最基本保護,尤其是在與主體民族的候選人條件相當甚至條件居於劣勢時,必須考盧予以原住民優先的機會。對於原住民非編制內人員的保障就是基於affirmative action的考慮。國內目前在這一方面還有繼續努力的空間。
In 2001 there are 19.9% of the Taiwan Aboriginal job seekers were hired by the government. The statistics rose up to 24.4 % in 2003. It shows that the Taiwan Aborigines are in favor of the jobs of the government, but most of the jobs that the Aborigines qualify to be hired are non-official organized, which means those jobs are not guaranteed in the long term.
The reason that we try to safeguard the non-official organized aboriginal government employees is due to the concept of affirmative action. The concept of affirmative action is an international trend; it is also a main currency in the world. It tries to explain that the Aborigines should not be responsible for their inferior positions today. Their inferior positions are caused due to the alien immigration. The Aborigines have not been adapted to the alien culture which eventually becomes the main trend of the society.
The way that the affirmative action performs is go through education and legislation so that the Aborigines' traditional cultures, surviving and occupations can be guaranteed. It emphasizes that the aborigines (the minority) should have priority to be hired or promoted while to compete with a candidate from the majority. We need to make some more effort in this aspect in Taiwan.
起訖頁 62-73
刊名 考銓季刊  
期數 200410 (40期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 行政體系中的原住民族--由「優惠待遇」到「積極行動」
該期刊-下一篇 「新夥伴關係」下的原住民族考用問題




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