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考試院擬定之「聘用人員人事條例」草案對現行公務人員體制影響之研究   全文下載 全文下載
A Study of the Impact of the Draft Regulations for Contract-Based Employees on Current Civil Service System
作者 柯三吉
This paper attempts to study the impacts of the Draft Regulations for Contract-Based Employees (DRCE) proposed by the Examination Yuan on the current civil service system. The theoretical framework of this study is based on the flexibility employment paradigm which describes how to avoid bureaucratic chaos caused by the dismissal of contract-based employees. This is an empirical study that was supported by ten seminars held in Taiwan and comparative analyses of contract-based employees regulations in the USA, the UK, Germany and Japan. The policy implications are as follows:(1) The related articles of DRCE should be in accordance with the Constitu-tion and Civil Service Examination Act, (2) Legal relationships between the government and contract-based employees regulated by DRCE could be de-fined as private contracts, (3) The percentage of contract-based employees in administrative or independent agencies should not exceed 5% of the total employees in each agency, (4) The 10% to 20% percentage of contract-based employees of local governments should be based on different criteria as rec-ommended by each local government, (5) DRCE enacted by Legislative Yuan should be implemented by the central government first and then local governments .
起訖頁 91-118
關鍵詞 聘用人員人事條例彈性雇用關係功績制原則Draft Regulations for Contract-Based Employeesflexibility employmentmerit principles.
刊名 文官制度  
期數 200904 (1:2期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 英國文官制度改革的彈性化策略:一個歷史制度途徑的分析
該期刊-下一篇 人事權的地方分權與實踐:以民國九十六年地方制度法第五十六條及第六十二條修正為楔子




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