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人事權的地方分權與實踐:以民國九十六年地方制度法第五十六條及第六十二條修正為楔子   全文下載 全文下載
Decentralization of Personnel Authority to Local Governments: A Discussion of 2007 Amendment of Local Government Act Articles 56 and 62
作者 楊戊龍熊忠勇
The July 2007 amendment of the Local Government Act (hereinafter re-ferred as the Act) touches upon: (1) the streamlining of county (city) gov-ernment units and related subordinate agencies; and (2) the attributes of lev-el-1 unit heads (subordinate agency heads) and adjustment of pay grades by job function. Of these, the latter has a direct bearing on the interests of civil servants and voter support, making it a primary concern for elected repre-sentatives. Since the institutionalization of local autonomy, i.e. ruled by the constitution and the law, this has become a chief area of concern among county (and city) governments, elected representatives, and local civil ser-vants. This paper offers an analysis of the academic basis for modification of the attributes of major local government positions and elevated pay grade rankings and related modes of operation. Further, it notes that using the Leg-islative Yuan-led revision of the Local Government Act as a shortcut for the advancement of pay grades and other resources, central government person-nel authorities have lost regulatory authority over major local government pay grades, so that in the future counties (and cities) and even towns and vil-lages will exploit this avenue to gain greater authority over personnel mat-ters.
起訖頁 119-143
關鍵詞 地方制度法職務屬性職務列等一級單位主管∕機關首長Local Government Actprofessional position attributespay gradelevel-1 unit heads/subordinate agency heads
刊名 文官制度  
期數 200904 (1:2期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 考試院擬定之「聘用人員人事條例」草案對現行公務人員體制影響之研究
該期刊-下一篇 考績丙等制度設計評估:以適法性與妥適性為分析焦點




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