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英國文官制度改革的彈性化策略:一個歷史制度途徑的分析   全文下載 全文下載
The Flexible Strategies of the UK Public Service Reforms: A Historical Institutional Approach Analysis
作者 黃榮源
UK civil service system which was established by the Northcote-Trevelyan Report in 1854 has dramatically changed since the reforms in the past two decades. Since the Next Steps programme and agency model have become core strategies of civil service reform from 1988 onward, the drift in civil service towards more flexible forms of private sector human resource management has been widely noted. This paper uses institutionalist frame-work to explore the UK civil service reforms since 1979, and argues that these changes were based on previous institutional arrangements and histori-cal processes. Apart from members who work in core departments, nearly 80 per cent of UK civil servants are now employed in various agencies, state-run enterprises or the NDPBs. In recent times, using short-term contract em-ployees for public services delivery has become more obvious in the public sector. Some argue that contract workers play an important role in filling va-cancies, helping to maintain the levels of service delivery. In addition, their use offers a better chance for the UK to establish performance-oriented cul-ture in public services. Others argue against this, however, saying they in-crease both personnel and operational costs significantly. A further risk is that growing dependency on contract workers may be undermining the very functions of government offices and their competencies.
起訖頁 57-90
關鍵詞 英國文官制度契約公務人力續階計畫執行機關模式新制度主義UK civil servicepublic service employmentNext StepsAgency modelnew institutionalism
刊名 文官制度  
期數 200904 (1:2期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 透明之下的課責:台灣民主治理中官民信任關係的重建基礎
該期刊-下一篇 考試院擬定之「聘用人員人事條例」草案對現行公務人員體制影響之研究




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