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A Word-Frequency-Based Study on Frequent Words of Vietnamese Textbooks in Taiwan
作者 謝紅商
This research investigated the word frequency and the vocabulary size of two elementary Vietnamese textbooks. Based on the word frequency information of the contemporary Vietnamese corpora, the present research aimed to explore the characteristics of the vocabulary that the authors selected, and to examine whether different textbooks provide the same basic vocabulary for learners, and then to explore the similarities and differences of the word frequency of these two Vietnamese textbooks. The results of this study hopefully can be used for reference for Vietnamese language teachers in teaching, as well as preliminary reference for vocabulary editing standards of elementary Vietnamese textbooks. This research applied the content analysis method. This study found that, the vocabulary of these two textbooks was appropriate, consistent with the results of previous researches on the vocabulary size of foreign language textbooks. In terms of word frequency, the high-frequency words of the two textbooks mainly contained be verb“là”and personal pronouns. Although the low-frequency words can only cover a small part of the total number of words, they occupied about half of the total vocabulary. The word frequency results are inconsistent with the word frequency information of the existing Vietnamese corpora. Based on the above results, this study proposed some specific suggestions.
起訖頁 55-73
關鍵詞 常用詞教材詞頻越南語frequent wordstextbookword frequencyvietnamese
刊名 教育學誌  
期數 202405 (51期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 佛教高僧傳法策略及群僧形象對教育之啟示:以《高僧傳‧唱導》為討論核心
該期刊-下一篇 指向跨領域素養的專題式學習評量量表的編製




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