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The Development and Validation of Project-based Learning Assessment Scale for Interdisciplinary Literacy
作者 廖翊淳付亦寧周翹楚
Cultivating students' key competencies serves as an important guideline in the educational development. As an important component of key competencies, interdisciplinary literacy research deserves to receive the same attention as the evaluation of subject literacy. However, in the compulsory education stage of mainland China, most studies on key competencies assessment are based on subject literacy research from a specific subject perspective, while little attention is paid to primary school students. Thus, the development and validation of interdisciplinary assessment tool that are implemented in curriculum evaluation is of great significance to the key competencies-oriented curriculum reform. Based on the theoretical frameworks of key competencies in various countries and combined with the characteristics of project-based learning, we introduce an initial scale for project-based learning evaluation targeting interdisciplinary literacy. The formal scale is developed by selecting typical research objects to predict the initial scale, using item analysis and exploratory factor analysis to delete inappropriate items, and passing reliability and validity tests The formal scale has 18 questions, covering five dimensions: cultural understanding and inheritance literacy, critical thinking, innovation literacy, cooperative communication literacy, and digital learning literacy. It can be used to evaluate the development status and level of interdisciplinary literacy of primary school students in grade four to six under the education of project-based learning.
起訖頁 75-97
關鍵詞 核心素養專題式學習跨領域素養跨領域素養量表key competenciesproject-based learninginterdisciplinary competenciesinterdisciplinary competencies scale
刊名 教育學誌  
期數 202405 (51期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣的越南語教材常用詞檢視之研究:以詞頻為基礎




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