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Social and Emotional Learning with Bilingual Teaching Embedded in the Integrative Activities Area in Junior High Schools
作者 黃絢質
雙語教學和社會情緒學習(social and emotional learning,SEL),都是當前教育界積極關注的議題。本文旨在聚焦於國中綜合活動領域的社會情緒學習,討論在規劃與實施青少年的SEL課程時,如何將雙語教學的元素予以融入。本文分為四個部分:首先,本研究先說明SEL的基本概念、SEL與綜合活動領域之關聯,並闡述SEL課程與教學的特徵;其次,本研究論述雙語教學與綜合活動領域SEL的關係;接著,透過範例呈現,本文探討如何將雙語教學融入國中階段綜合活動領域SEL課程與教學之潛在作法;最後,本文針對雙語教學融入國中綜合活動領域的SEL,提出結論與建議:(1)雙語教學綜合活動領域SEL的課程目標非英語學習,課堂上應善用雙語的彈性轉換;(2)整合雙語教學與綜合活動領域SEL教學的課程特徵,並持續累積相關的教育實踐研究;(3)英語可作為雙語教學課堂上學生學習知識、人際溝通與自我反思的媒介。
There are growing interests in bilingual teaching and social and emotional learning (SEL) in the educational field. This study aimed to delve into how SEL in the Integrative Activities Area can be embedded with bilingual teaching in junior high schools. This study consisted of four sections. First, the concepts of SEL, the relationships between SEL and the Integrative Activities Area, as well as the characteristics of curriculum and instruction of SEL were introduced in the article. Next, the ways bilingual teaching links to SEL in the Integrative Activities Area were addressed in this study. Then, how to potentially embed bilingual teaching in SEL in the Integrative Activities Area in junior high schools was discussed with examples in the current study. Finally, this study proposed conclusions and implications for SEL with bilingual teaching embedded in the Integrative Activities Area in junior high schools: (1) the curriculum goal of the SEL program with bilingual teaching embedded in the Integrative Activities Area does not focus on the English learning, and the use of bi-languages in the class would be necessary; (2) the curriculum characteristics of bilingual teaching and the SEL instruction in the Integrative Activities Area would be combined, and the more related educational practical research is needed; (3) English would be the medium for students’learning, communication and self-reflection in bilingual classes.
起訖頁 181-206
關鍵詞 雙語教學社會情緒學習綜合活動領域國中教育階段bilingual teachingsocial and emotional learningthe Integrative Activities Areajunior high schools
刊名 臺灣教育評論月刊  
期數 202405 (13:5期)
出版單位 臺灣教育評論學會
該期刊-上一篇 工業4.0對餐旅產業人力市場的衝擊與人才培育因應:以技術型高中餐飲科課程規劃為例
該期刊-下一篇 應用凱比機器人於語言發展遲緩兒童理解與表達之探究




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