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The effects on social media through implementing visualized information
作者 李洧晴尚祚恒胡齊元
隨著網路媒介生態的改變,網路社群媒體的興盛,政府對人民的溝通也順應時勢有所變化,現已成為政府即時與民眾溝通的重要管道之一。政策溝通是政策順暢推動的重要關鍵,因為民眾所接收到的訊息及產生的認知直接影響他們的行為反應,這也是以民眾為本的互動雙向溝通,政府必須要運用適合的行銷工具與民眾進行溝通,達到政策資訊有效的傳達。資料圖文化的傳播溝通效果勝於單純文字的表達,在社群媒體中,若文本的描述再加上圖像的配合,可使閱讀者的關注力提高進而參與討論,從而提升對政策的了解程度;對於複雜問題,資料圖文化有助於提供淺顯易懂的資訊,藉由資料圖文化在社群傳播之影響力,往往可收事半功倍的溝通成效,讓民眾快速理解政策內涵。根據本研究結果發現:1. 有圖像搭配的訊息所吸引讀者的視覺效果的確遠大於純文字的訊息,配合不同訊息種類所使用的圖片文字搭配也會有所不同,對於自我形象塑造,個人風格、處事及作風等方面,使用素雅簡單的圖片和文字搭配較能彰顯個人特質;反之如攻擊性、目標性明確的主題訊息則適合使用鮮豔有個性的圖片和文字搭配,視覺吸引力較強。2. 建議圖文化在社群媒體傳播上要發揮最大效益,應考量到社群媒體的傳播特性,去量身定做要表達的訊息內容,讓讀者願意主動轉貼達到『病毒式行銷』的效果,其編排形式避免文字過於細小,過於細小的文字無法讓讀者觀看清楚,字數最好限制在20 字左右,基本配色最好不超過三色為原則,過多的字體與配色容易模糊焦點,訊息應簡潔明瞭,文字部分避免過長,重視圖像的閱讀特性,以大量的圖文搭配吸引讀者瀏覽,並提供讀者分享,達到最佳傳播宣傳之目的。
With the change of the Internet media ecologyand the prosperity of Internet social media, thecommunication between the government and thepeople has also changed in accordance with the times,and nowadays it has become one of the importantchannels for the government to communicate with thepeople. Policy communication is an important key tothe promotion of policies, because of the informationreceived and the cognition generated by the publicdirectly affect their behavioral responses. This is also atwo-way communication based on public interaction.The government must use appropriate marketing tools tocommunicate with the public. Information Visualizationis better than simple words. In social media, if thedescription of text and the cooperation of images canincrease the attention of readers, and to participate inthe political discussions, more easily to improve theirunderstanding of policies.With the influence of the Information Visualization,communication can often be achieved with half the effort,allowing the public to quickly understand the connotationof the policy. This research will also discuss thepropaganda content and the presentations of infographicculture used by the different political parties, and thenuse content and text analysis to compare and explorethe posts of politicians, in order to respond this researchquestion.This research sample uses the Facebook dynamicposts of President Tsai Ing-wen and Mayor Ko-WenJe toconduct cross-comparison of posts of the same type, soas to understand the communication style and influenceof political figures of different parties in the politicalinformation visualization.
起訖頁 346-358
關鍵詞 資料圖文化政策溝通網路社群媒體Information VisualizationPolicy CommunicationSocial Media
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202205 (2022期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
該期刊-上一篇 視覺化道路救援商業智慧系統平台建構之研究
該期刊-下一篇 數位筆友的自我揭露研究──以SLOWLY故事為例




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