英文摘要 |
With the change of the Internet media ecologyand the prosperity of Internet social media, thecommunication between the government and thepeople has also changed in accordance with the times,and nowadays it has become one of the importantchannels for the government to communicate with thepeople. Policy communication is an important key tothe promotion of policies, because of the informationreceived and the cognition generated by the publicdirectly affect their behavioral responses. This is also atwo-way communication based on public interaction.The government must use appropriate marketing tools tocommunicate with the public. Information Visualizationis better than simple words. In social media, if thedescription of text and the cooperation of images canincrease the attention of readers, and to participate inthe political discussions, more easily to improve theirunderstanding of policies.With the influence of the Information Visualization,communication can often be achieved with half the effort,allowing the public to quickly understand the connotationof the policy. This research will also discuss thepropaganda content and the presentations of infographicculture used by the different political parties, and thenuse content and text analysis to compare and explorethe posts of politicians, in order to respond this researchquestion.This research sample uses the Facebook dynamicposts of President Tsai Ing-wen and Mayor Ko-WenJe toconduct cross-comparison of posts of the same type, soas to understand the communication style and influenceof political figures of different parties in the politicalinformation visualization. |