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Research on the Construction of Visualized Road Rescue Business Intelligence System Platform
作者 蘇文仲
隨著商業競爭環境的詭譎多變,企業決策者越來越重視數據可能帶來的幫助,然而,大量原始資料(Raw Data)格式不一與雜亂,提高了閱讀與理解上的困難度,因此,資訊視覺化成為輕鬆理解數據意義的方法。本研究以道路救援公司2017 年1 月到2020 年6 月之服務歷史紀錄,以及內政部、氣象局等開放資料為基礎。運用ExcelPower Business Intelligence(BI)工具打造一個全新的商業智慧系統。道路救援服務數據分析之呈現,透過企業決策者的需求訪談及文獻探討,將資訊圖表歸類為四種模式:(1) 資料融合呈現、(2) 時間序列呈現、(3) 未來預估呈現、(4) 空間地理位置呈現。協助企業在道路救援服務上,有效地分析內外部資訊之關聯性,透過視覺化的資訊呈現,快速掌握市場發展脈動,提升決策之精準效度。
With the changing competitive environment,business decision makers are paying more and moreattention to the assistance that data may bring. However,a large amount of raw data comes with inconsistentformats and messy arrangements which increase the levelof difficulty for reading and understanding. Therefore,information visualization has become an easy andmeaningful way to understand data. This research isbased on the service history of road rescue companiesfrom January 2017 to June 2020 and the open data fromthe Ministry of the Interior and the Central WeatherBureau to conduct to conduct researches on three stages,respectively: enterprise corporate data collection &sorting, data warehousing, and information visualizationplatform system construction. An Excel Power BusinessIntelligence (BI) Tool is used to create a brand newbusiness intelligence system. In the presentation of roadrescue service data analysis, infographics are classifiedinto four modes: (1) Data fusion presentation, (2) Timeseries presentation, (3) Future forecast presentation, and(4) Spatial geographic location presentation throughrequired interviews with business decision makers aswell as literature discussions. To assist companies withroad rescue services, the correlation between internaland external information is analyzed effectively.Through visualized information presentation, the marketdevelopment trend can be grasped quickly to improve theaccuracy and validity of decision-making.
起訖頁 336-345
關鍵詞 道路救援商業智慧系統資訊視覺化Road RescueBusiness Intelligence SystemInformation Visualization
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202205 (2022期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
該期刊-上一篇 遊戲內容設計之魅力因子研究──以FREE FIRE手機射擊遊戲為例
該期刊-下一篇 資料圖文化對社群媒體傳播影響力之研究




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