英文摘要 |
Mobile games, particularly the shooter genre,have grown in popularity among players in recentyears. Shooter games can offer players the tension andexcitement, as if they were placed under a hail of bullet,thereby properly relieving their emotional pressure.Accordingly, this paper uses popular online mobile game“Free Fire” as an example to investigate players’immersive experience in shooter mobile games andthe attractiveness factors behind the games. On a morespecific basis, this paper applies the evaluation gridmethod to conduct qualitative in-depth interviews with 12hardcore gamers of “Free Fire,” and then produces anevaluation grid according to the criteria defined by thesegamers, based on which the connections between thekey elements of the game (i.e., its specific qualities) andthe gamers’ abstract feelings can be discovered. Thispaper identifies a total of five major attractiveness factorsbehind the game, including the charm of fine gamescreen, the charm of game music style, the charm of cleargame interface, the easiness of playing, and the charm ofgame character. The research findings of this paper mayact as a reference for mobile game designers to refinetheir products, so as to meet the needs of different players,improve the gameplay, win loyalty, and increase marketshare. |