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A Study on the Provision of Subscription Service Content in the OTT Video Platform
作者 廖信葉振璧郭永銘
當前OTT(Over-the-Top)影音平台引領視聽消費模式的轉變。其中,訂閱隨選視訊(Subscription Video on Demand, SVOD)模式的增長幅度最為顯著,表示消費者對於付費訂閱內容的接受程度已較過往提升。消費者透過付費訂閱取得更佳的影音體驗,也間接成為OTT 產業未來發展的契機。因此,本研究旨在探討OTT 影音平台提供之訂閱制服務內容。透過OTT 影音平台發展現況、OTT 影音平台架構以及OTT 影音服務內容之相關文獻探討,而後將文獻資料整理與分析,並採用比較研究法分析三家訂閱制OTT 影音平台提供之服務內容。本研究發現平台仍要以符合消費者需求為優先,藉此提升消費者對平台的滿意度與忠誠度,而平台的字幕翻譯及同步觀賞功能仍有改善空間,期能提供日後OTT 影音平台服務內容之參考。
Nowadays, OTT video platform leads the changeof audiovisual consumption mode. Among them, themost significant increase in SVOD mode indicatesthat consumers have become more receptive to paidsubscriptions content than in the past. Consumers can geta better viewing experience by paying for subscriptions,which indirectly becomes an opportunity for the futureexpansion of the OTT industry. Therefore, the purposeof this study is explore the provision of subscriptionservice content in the OTT video platform. This studydiscusses the current development of OTT videoplatforms, the structure of OTT video platforms, and theOTT video service content, then analyze and organizethe literature by three OTT video platforms. The resultof the study were that platforms should still prioritizemeeting consumer need in order to increase consumersatisfaction and loyalty to the platform. There is still roomfor improvement in the platform's subtitle translation andsynchronized viewing functions. Expecting the resultscan be used as a reference for the development of OTTvideo platform in future.
起訖頁 319-329
關鍵詞 OTT影音平台服務內容OTTVideo PlatformService Content
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202205 (2022期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
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該期刊-下一篇 遊戲內容設計之魅力因子研究──以FREE FIRE手機射擊遊戲為例




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