英文摘要 |
Affected by the epidemic, many people's lifepatterns have changed to remote office or video lessons.Changes in life patterns during home isolation havebrought the issue of loneliness and loneliness to the fore.It may be common daily life for people to care about eachother's dynamics among friends through online socialmedia, or try to expand their circle of friends from datingapps. Past research on self-disclosure in social mediaor online communities has focused on interpersonalinteractions, intimacy, and disease narratives betweenpeople and computer-mediated communication, furtherexploring the experience of self-disclosure and theimpact on life influence. Subsequent research will focuson the dating software of mobile apps, and explore therelationship between self-disclosure and privacy, onlineromance, and liquid love, and explore people’s onlinebehaviors and experiences from multiple perspectives.The communication process of digital pen pals is anarrative text that generates dialogue with strangers,and seeks the meaning of self-disclosure from the lifeexperience and narrative context in the text. This studyaims to explore the self-disclosure behaviors of digitalpen pals, as well as the experience of interpersonalcommunication and self-disclosure, and to furtherunderstand the impact on life from the experience.Purposive Sampling was used to select original workswritten in Chinese from the website of SLOWLY stories,and to analyze the texts in a similar cultural context asmuch as possible. Using the Narrative analysis methodproposed by Lieblich, Tuval-Mashiach, & Zilber , thisstudy takes part of the dimension 'category-content' foranalysis. From the process of narrative text analysis, it isfound that through the process of self-disclosure throughletters and texts, pen pals can share each other’s lifeexperiences and feelings or listen to other people’sstories, further generating the possibility of futureinteraction and self-disclosure with strangers. |